payment solution

We maximise payment performance for France and Europe’s biggest names in tourism

An anti-fraud solution
that boosts your performance

Average increase in acceptance rate
(Payplug data 2022)
Average decrease in chargeback rate
(Payplug data 2022)

Tourism: performance levers
for your payments 

Between the “Revenge Travel” trend and the digitalisation of the customer journey, the tourism and travel sector is undergoing profound transformations. How can you convert this into an asset to boost your payment performance? From frictionless payment to orchestration, explore all our tips to take advantage of this evolution.

Payplug’s expertise in the tourism sector, alongside its well-adapted range of payment methods, align perfectly with the goal of ESF and Mon Séjour en Montagne to offer the most fluid customer journeys, and meet the latest visitor needs. For example, we are integrating Oney’s split payment and Chèque-Vacances Connect. We are also working together with Payplug and the Banque Populaire Auvergne Rhône Alpes on the rapid integration of other payment methods, such as transfers or even in situ payment with a breakdown of flows.

Jérémie Noyrey
Deputy Director General of SNMSF,
in charge of Mon Séjour en Montagne

Payplug provides us with invaluable support to make our PSD2 migration a success. Our Customer Success Manager follows us step by step to ensure there is no significant impact on our business or customers’ UX. 

Back Truong
Head of Payment at Misterfly

A single partner for all your payment challenges

A global offer on payments



Fraud and chargeback management


A customised system to maximise your performance

Onboarding: Making the right payment choices at launch .

Run: Optimising your payment strategy. 

Development: Meeting the payment challenges of tomorrow. 

Quickly improve your conversion across Europe with our integration into orchestration platforms

As travel sales increase across digital channels, payment orchestration makes sense for large, high-volume brands.

One of the key strengths of payment orchestration platforms is their ability to route payments dynamically. You gain greater control over the flow of money by setting up routing rules, for example, and automatically routing transactions through channels that offer the best terms and results to optimise your performance.

Want to maximise your payment performance in Europe?