iGaming payment solution

We maximise payment performance for France and Europe’s biggest names in iGaming.

Our teams have in-depth knowledge of the challenges the iGaming sector faces.

Multiple opportunities for your growth

Smooth customer experience

Frictionless payment experience, thanks to specific support to address PSD2.

Broad geographical coverage

Multiple acquisition channels to better localise your payments, the main alternative payment methods, and acceptance of all currencies in Europe.

Dedicated support

Our performance and fraud experts help you on a daily basis to activate the right technological and operational levers.

Robust platform

99.9% platform availability commitment (SLA). Focus on your core business!

Your conversion is our priority

Average acceptance rate of 94% for your payments in Europe

Optimisation of your chargeback rate: -96.5% with our Fraud Premium offer


Optimised frictionless capabilities: 

  • Frictionless requests for transactions up to €250
  • Get 98% of frictionless requests accepted on 20% of French traffic, thanks to our direct connection to BPCE via our FastPass solution

iGaming: 4 key levers for your payment performance

In addition to playing in an increasingly competitive market, with a large number of regulatory changes and challenges, you need to consider the latest expectations of players in terms of the customer journey, particularly at the time of payment.


Turn your payments into a real growth driver for your business – discover the 4 levers detailed in our white paper.

Payplug has been supporting our growth and expansion in France for many years. Thanks to the expertise and availability of their teams, Netbet has been able to achieve high acceptance rates. We benefit from their Smart Routing platform and Fraud Premium solution, with its anti-fraud rule-based system. With these tools, we can optimise our payment performance.

Ana StefGroup Head of Payments Netbet

Use the power of our platform

As both a payment service provider and acquirer, Payplug has expertise across the entire payment value chain, including acceptance, risk management, acquisition and processing.

This gives you access to unique benefits:


Optimised acceptance rates:

We combine our own acquisition channels and smart routing tools to maximise your payment performance and increase your conversion rate, regardless of the regularity and size of your players’ deposits.


Simplified financial reconciliation:

with our unified financial reporting for all your transactions, you have a key tool for growth, allowing you to tailor your business across channels and countries.


Fraud management:

comply with gambling-specific anti-fraud and anti-money laundering requirements.

The payment methods your customers expect

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