Omnichannel payment platform

Simplify your business operations Daily

solution de paiement omnicanal

Unify your payments to simplify your commerce

You utilise at least five tools daily to manage your operations. Regardless of your business model, you need:

  • a complete view of your operations to make the best decisions and grow your activity
  • highly interconnected tools to simplify the daily management of your business


Your payment solution’s role is to make this possible!

Manage all your sales from a single portal

We simplify your financial management with a reconciled view of transactions, by channel and by store, in real time via the Payplug portal. Download your unified accounting exports with just a click whenever you need.

omnichannel payment solution
pay by link

Multiply your sales opportunities, easily

Our omnichannel payment solution blurs the lines between your sales points:

  • Offer your customers preferred payment options, such as instalment payments online and in-store, CB, Visa, Mastercard, Apple Pay, Google Pay
  • Online: provide your customers a frictionless shopping experience to maximise your conversions;
  • In-store: employ tools suited to all shopping journeys such as payment terminals and payment requests via email or SMS.


Boost your revenue by enhancing the customer satisfaction at every stage, even during refunds! For you, one single tool: the Payplug portal.

You Can Count on

Quality Support

Our support is focused on growing your business operations. Our teams, based in Paris, are ready to assist:

At the deployment of our solution and at every stage of your business lifecycle, you can rely on our expertise, online and in-store, available 7 days a week, in French.

In-store, you benefit from the field expertise of our maintenance partners.

We help you achieve your ambitions through regular performance reviews.

expérience d'achat

Our Solution Integrates with Your Business Tools



Easily deploy payment with Payplug: our solution is compatible with more than 10 ERP and accounting tools, 10 POS systems, and much more!


Online, maximise your performance at each step

In-store, deploy and manage your payments easily

They Consolidate Their Payments with Payplug


“I find it convenient to have all my online and in-store payments in one place, in the Payplug portal.”

Matthieu Rivory - Co-founder of Seagale

Omimi Sushi

“Regardless of the amounts at stake, my accounting takes me less than 5 minutes, whereas before, it used to take half an hour a day.”

Anthony Giangreco - Manager of O’mimi Sushi


“Our accountants appreciate the access to monthly statements available from the Payplug portal.”

Diane Leleu - Store Manager of Marquette in Dijon

Enhance your payment experience with Payplug.