Dalenys confirms the success of its positioning and affirms its ambitions with Natixis

Cyril Blondel
Posted on 14 January 2019 by Cyril Blondel
Reading Time: 3 minutes

In 2018, Dalenys was proud to be part of the success of more than 20% of Top 100 French e-commerce merchants. All teams constantly focused on the company’s main objective: the increase of its merchants’ conversion and turnover. Experts relentlessly optimized continuity of the payment chain: from payment experience with omnichannel cinematics deployment to international business development. We also went on reducing fraud rates thanks to specific know-how in terms of data management.

Meanwhile, Natixis' payment galaxy built synergies which positioned Dalenys in a leading role able to bring together both the agility of a successful Fintech and the strength of a well-established payment player with Natixis.

New references

With Dalenys, merchants capitalize on an agile and creative solution with as a positive, concrete and measurable impact on their performance, both from the point of view of conversion and the management of fraud.

2018: innovative responses to online, in-store and mobile payment collection

Thanks to its unique position as both an acquirer and a payment gateway in charge of merchant payments, Dalenys controls financial flows and access to payment data for in-depth analysis. We provide our customers with proven solutions for online, in-store and mobile collections in the French and international markets.

Last year, we launched two Early Adopters programs to support the crave for data of our merchants. Dalenys Dashboard, after beta testing has been launched to provide our interlocutors with relevant and helpful data. This new tool replaces Dalenys Insight and let users simply and intuitively define KPIs. Sales, 3DS triggering-rate and chargeback rate are now easily and constantly monitored.

Dalenys' new Premium fraud solution, based on extensive behavioral research, has also been deployed with a selection of merchants. We are now weeks from platform-wide launch. By involving our merchants and maintaining close relationship time, we are able to provide tailor-made support and challenge our features in their smallest details. Our Marketplace solution, in particular, has been significantly strengthened after many feedbacks from Atlas for men.

Our expertise in omnichannel payment was also widely acclaimed at Monaco's One to One show: we had the opportunity to present one of our partner’s solution, dedicated to offering a smooth and seamless payment experience. Alongside Natixis Payments, we explained how we fully integrated the SmartPOS, a new in-store POS device, to combine the versatility of a tablet and the sturdiness of a payment terminal for a fully omnichannel payment.

Finally Dalenys still produces necessary efforts to remain the most robust full-service solution on the market, with full control over its platform availability even during sales peaks. This performance led us to set new records, with more than 20M € processed on Black Friday (November 23rd), i.e. + 50.7% vs. Black Friday 2017.

2019 offers us great challenges in the payment industry, alongside Natixis Payments

Our continuous work on the payment issues of our merchants, their sector and expectations, led to build an effective support from start to finish. As we benefit from our strong technological know-how, we now aim to expand this service level to new horizons with Natixis Payments.

Under the umbrella of Natixis Payments, the 3 pillars of Dalenys - Omnichannel, International, Data - will grow stronger in 2019. Our roadmap is filled with projects that will strengthen our ability to understand the stakes of our merchants, for them to remain a step ahead. Natixis Payments and Dalenys work also hand in hand to take up one of the main challenges of 2019 for payments: the implementation of RTS-SCA and the availability of 3DS 2.0. As turnover loss stands as the biggest risk, please consider that Natixis processes the transactions of over 20% of cardholders in France and Dalenys goes along the payment strategies of major merchants.

Want to know more about our development projects and ambitions in 2019?

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