Payment is at the heart of strategic concerns for retail and e-commerce businesses. Previously seen...
As a merchant or e-merchant, you must accept online and in-store payments. To do this,...
In addition to providing a higher payment acceptance rate and a smoother shopping experience, tokenisation...
Developed by the Carte Bancaires (CB) scheme, the Safe'R by CB aims to streamline and...
The advent of the first Payment Services Directive in 2009 marked a significant turning point...
Let's start by jumping back in time: it's 2019 and Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2)...
Bartek van de Pavert, Director of Business Development Travel at Payplug, shares the payment trends...
In order to protect consumers from fraud and suspicious transactions, the European Union has established...
In Part one of our series on payment performance drivers in the travel and tourism...