2021 retrospective: Dalenys levels up the performance of digital payments

Cyril Blondel
Posted on 10 January 2022 by Cyril Blondel
Reading Time: 6 minutes

2021 was an eventful year, and at Dalenys we saw some great things happen alongside you. Commerce has continued its remarkable development in recent months, and we are proud to support our customers in this environment of substantial change in order to optimise their payment performance throughout Europe1

Dalenys had a very dynamic year with 45% revenue growth, and we continued to innovate to meet the numerous challenges of e-commerce. Purchasing journeys, PSD2, marketplaces… Focus on the highlights of the year, and the emerging trends for digital commerce and payments in 2022.

Payment performance, the priority for the year

Optimal performance and a successful payment solution are a guarantee of revenue, so important in this context of digital transformation and far-reaching changes for the world of commerce. With regard to payment, the search for performance is crucial both during sales peaks and when it’s business as usual. This is why we have made it our priority, as we announced a few months ago in the video.

Each stage in the payment funnel represents the risk of deterioration in the conversion and loss of revenue. It is therefore necessary to consider the complete life cycle of the transaction in order to know where to act and activate the right payment levers: at the time of collection, at the authentication stage, in the authorisation process, and finally after the payment itself. In order to calmly prepare your year, you can find all our advice in our guide of key levers to optimise your performance.

Our Chief Product Officer Sasha Pons also provides his view by examining 3 widespread ideas on payment performance to enable you to refine your strategies.

2021, the year of PSD2

All e-retailers are impacted by PSD2 (Payment Services Directive 2), which enhances online payment authentication in Europe, and requires migration to the 3DS v2 security protocol. We wanted our customers to be able to adapt to this situation stress free and without any negative impact on their performance.

Our operations team mobilised to support our customers during this major regulatory change. The migrations were carried out based on our substantial data expertise and our observation of the different European markets in order to provide the best performance.

Today, the majority of our customers have switched to 3DS v2, and the performance is better than with 3DS v1.

Furthermore, we have adapted our Fraud Premium support programmes in order to meet the new regulatory requirements, and supported major merchants such as our customers Made.com, La Maison du Whisky, Autodoc and Aquarelle. We are achieving exceptional results, with an average acceptance rate of 95% and a 96.5% drop in chargeback rates2! And of course, this is not finished. 2022 should enable the flow of transactions to be further improved.

If you want to estimate the impact that Fraud Premium could have on your revenue, please feel free to test our online simulator.

You can also consult our resources around PSD2:

Marketplaces are accelerating!

We are particularly proud of having launched several major marketplaces this year. These marketplaces represent an important step in their development and was particularly stimulating for us too: collaborating closely with our customers allows us to constantly enrich our solution. The marketplaces Atlas for men, a specialist in outdoor clothing and accessories, and Mon Séjour en Montagne, the marketplace of the ESF (French Ski School), are enjoying rapid sales growth, and we are supporting them in their development.

Our marketplace solution currently offers:

  • A 100% automated, digital process for the registration of marketplace sellers and their KYC (Know Your Customer) data;
  • agile management of the platform's financial flows;
  • an ability to be fully integrated in the retailer’s IT ecosystem already in place, through the data.

E-commerce becomes an integral part of purchasing journeys

While e-commerce has become permanently established in consumers’ purchasing habits since covid-19, we are now seeing a certain maturity in relation to these purchasing journeys. We have also carried out a survey3 among French people to identify their new payment expectations:  consumers are favourable to the enhancement of online payment security and receptive to new electronic payment methods, such as Buy Now Pay Later (which comprises payment in instalments and deferred payment), the one-click payment or Pay-by-link. The optimisation of payment pages is also an essential conversion lever, and the user experience is key!

Specific features according to each business sector

Obviously, the observations are not uniform, depending on the sectors, and the issues are not the same when we refer to payment. Throughout the year, we provided you with analyses of your activities for benchmarking purposes, and to help you find the best levers for your payments. They include:

Employees ready to face the challenges of 2022!

The life of the company has also been very full this year at Dalenys, with more than 60 hirings. While our businesses and working methods are very flexible and “remote friendly”, our employees were able to return to the offices in Paris and Amsterdam and rediscover the joy of being together again.

For the World Developers Day, we offered you an immersion within our Tech team in order to better understand their profession, their challenges and what drives them on a daily basis. 

Furthermore, if you want to join us and participate in the great payments adventure, our offers are here ? http://dalenys.annarenaudin.net/jobs/fr/#nos-offres

All our team is ready to level up your payment performance in 2022, and sends you its best wishes! Here are our 4 wishes for you:

1 SEPA zone
2 results obtained in the first half of 2021 with our clients subscribing to the Fraud Premium offer
3 OpinionWay/Dalenys survey

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